Friday, June 22, 2007

Thank you

WOW first thing this morning i get a knock on the door, and it was the

postman with a pizza box in his hands.It's the 2 scenic route rak from

Janine Kaye

look what was inside it, i cant wait to start doing a layout with it, i have to go and get my photo's up town. THANK YOU SO MUCH JANINE


jess said...

WOW marie!!!
you are going to have fun with all that!!!

Siany said...

Thats awesome! Cant wait to see what you create with it!!

BrigitteG said...

Waow Marie !! That is aweesome ! the colours look so yummy ! we want to see your LO !!
p.s: and hey thanks to add me in your fav bloggers ! only noticed then !! :)